His voice was beautiful, but the respect and love that shone in his eyes was even more so. Best Man speeches can be tricky – how do you walk the line of funny, yet meaningful, entertaining yet heartfelt…? We have coached many a nervous best man through his speech, but I don’t think we’ve ever had a best man SING his speech before. His acapella notes were perfect, and heartfelt, and I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house when he was finished. (this was the kind of moment that makes me so happy that we now offer cinematography…I’m SO glad we got this on film!) It was a surprising moment, and a beautiful one too. But what didn’t surprise me, was that our bride and groom inspire this type of love and loyalty in their friends and family. Alex and Carlton, well these two are just fantastic to be around. Funny, and thoughtful, hardworking and well prepared, and loving to all those around them. All of our staff members came up to me at different times during the day and commented on what a sweet group they were – so. much. positive. energy! We were truly blessed to host this wedding, and it was especially nice because it was our last big event of the busy Autumn wedding season. What a perfect note to end the season on! Alexundria and Carlton have been planning their big day for a long time. They chose a cheerful (just like them!) color scheme of Apple Red and Champagne, with a few rustic touches – simply perfect for a November wedding. Guests were greeted with hot apple cider and would later enjoy a bbq feast, followed by homemade cheesecakes (specialty of the mother-of-the-bride Ann) and S’mores. This was a wonderful day, the kind that makes me so grateful to do what I do, and for the privilege of witnessing two families coming together. I can’t wait to share some favorite moments from this beautiful Virginia Wedding Day…
Below is a photo of the Brides brother, who is currently deployed. He was on everyone’s mind on the wedding day and his photo marked his place in the front row – so sweet – we know he would have loved to be there, and we thank him for his service
Congratulations to the happy couple from the entire GHI family!
Featured In
Magazine May / June 2021 Issue