A hush suddenly fell over the room, and it seemed that everyone gathered there knew that something wonderful was about to happen. From the corner of my eye, I saw the Golden Horseshoe staff curiously make their way out of the kitchen, drawn by the uncharacteristic quiet in the reception room. A hand was lifted and as the first simple notes drifted from the guitar, the most beautiful song came to life. Our happy couple were serenaded by the talented young niece of the bride, who at 13 years old, was able to bring the room to a complete standstill with her pure and beautiful song. It seemed like the most perfect way to bring the day’s festivities to a gentle close. There had been a sweet joy enveloping the Golden Horseshoe Inn all day long, with laughter pealing from the bridal suite as our stunning bride Dana was regaled by her wonderful girlfriends gathered round her as she prepared. There was a little sparkle everywhere too, from Dana’s fabulous shoes, her effervescent smile and the decorative touches placed round the Inn. We shared lots of laughs with our wonderful groom Mark, as we fixed his problem shoe, and Dana jokingly warned us not to compliment him too much on his handsome attire in case his ego swelled 🙂 Roses, and romance and a sweet and gentle joy at two hearts joining together as one made for the perfect day. Dana and Mark make the most perfect (and beautiful!) couple, and we loved every moment of this special wedding day! We can’t wait to share this sneak peek with you…
Congratulations to the newlyweds from the entire GHI family!!!
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Magazine May / June 2021 Issue